I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
We are podcasting for parental sanity and saying the things out loud that most parents only think to themselves.
54 episodes
Parenting: How It Started... How It's Going — 53
The Martini ShotIt's the last episode of I Shouldn't Have Had Kids and we're taking a minute to look back at how things started and how they're going now—with parenting, pandemicing, and podcasting!How it started and h...
Season 1
Episode 53

Blended Holidays — 52
Trying to make magic and create memorable holiday traditions—especially for a newly blended family—is a pretty tall order. It takes intention, patience, and a willingness by everyone to embrace the idea that families come in all shapes and size...
Season 1
Episode 52

Temper Tantrums: They're Not Just for Presidents — 51
This week's episode is inspired by a POTUS unwilling or unable to accept the facts. Indeed, you can probably currently find him prone on the floor of the Oval Office, pounding his feet and fists, screaming, "I won't go! I won't! I won't go, and...
Season 1
Episode 51

Adulting — 50
Millennials are so... special. Believe us. We have one. In the Millennial generation, everybody gets a ribbon and everything gets a sticker. They even have a word for growing up. It's called "adulting." In fact, there's a book and about a milli...
Season 1
Episode 50

Imagine That: Kids and their Imaginary Friends — 49
Imaginary friends and freaky role in the familyUh, honey? Who are you talking to? Cue Twilight Zone music as your son or daughter turns around slowly, looks at you, cocks their head and asks, "Can't you see him, mommy?"
Season 1
Episode 49

Tales of Terror: Little Ghouls on Halloween
A woman runs down a dark street screaming in terror. She races up the steps to her best friend's house and pounds on the door. As the door creaks opens, the woman pulls out her (hot glue) gun and trains it on her friend."Hot toddy...
Season 1
Episode 48

Chores and Allowance: Working Hard for the Money
On episode 47: Chores and allowance are on our mindsIs it a bad idea to pay kids to help around the house?A house they live, eat and sleep in?A house where their parents work, on their behalf, from sun up to sun down?
Season 1
Episode 47

All in the (Extended) Family – 46
On episode 46: Grandparents steal the show!Oh, baking pies with grandma or building birdhouses with grandpa might sound like a quintessentially grandparental moment, but let's not forget the somewhat more interesting tidbits about the r...
Season 1
Episode 46

Mental Health: Winter Is Coming – 45
This week we tackle the thing on everyone's mind: How can we protect the mental health of our children during the dark months of winter? Yes it's going to be H-A-R-D. But you are absolutely capable of weathering the storm that's brewing.
Season 1
Episode 45

Exercise Your Authority – 44
Exercise. They need it. We know it. But how to make it happen?Why does Minecraft win out over biking, Super Smash Bros beat a neighborhood run, or the promise of Among Us lure our kids back early from a summer swim? We know exerc...
Season 1
Episode 44

Teenage Dating: The Rules of Engagement – 43
One day they're in diapers; the next they're nervously picking up their first date, standing on the doorstep with sweaty palms because they're about to meet the parents. You, meanwhile, are sitting behind the wheel of the car trying not to star...
Season 1
Episode 43

Quarantine Quarrels – 42
Parenting in normal times is hard enough, but then you add in a little pandemic, a three-state inferno, political division the likes we've never seen, deadly policing, and for a little kick how about the start of a new school year with, yet aga...
Season 1
Episode 42

What Do You Meme? – 41
It all started with Baby Cha-Cha. That creepy little dancing baby was the first modern meme and made its splash on Ally McBeal waaaay back in 1998. Nope. We're not kidding. 1998. We could never have imagined how that little meme would j...
Season 1
Episode 41

Dating After Divorce – 40 (The Ruby Episode)
Knock, knock.Who’s there?Mommy’s new boyfriend.Mommy's new boyfr– wait. Whut??!! It’s our 40th show—the Ruby episode—and we are celebrating with a topic hand-selected by one of our OG PodSquad listeners! How in ...
Season 1
Episode 40

Love They [NextDoor] Neighbor – 39
When the social media platform NextDoor came on the scene, it seemed perfect. It provided a place for people to connect locally, share neighborhood information, and look out for one another. You know, a total love-they-neighbor kind of opportun...
Season 1
Episode 39

Puppy Love and Puppy Loss – 38
There is little a parent can do when it comes to teen love. You can't pick your child's crush because that would just be weird. And if you don't like said crush, well, you're out of luck on that one, too. No teen wants to hear a parent's critic...

Back to School? – 37
Back to school hasn't changed much for decades. The styles have been updated, but the old standbys still mark the start of a new year:Dixon Ticonderoga #2 pencilsA 3-ring binderGlue sticksA lunchbox
Season 1
Episode 37

Lessons from the Crib – 36
You are a parenting ninja. You know it. Your friends know it. And, someday, your children will know it, too. So you're feeling a little cocky one day, throwing down wisdom you feel sure will shape your little darling into an amazing hum...
Season 1
Episode 36

Soiling the Nest – 35
You spend nine months nesting, making your everything just right so that your beautiful newborn will know, from the very beginning, that home will always be the safe place.Then, 18 years later, that little chick you've been loving and c...
Season 1
Episode 35

Game On – 34
With so many kids stuck at home, every parent under the sun is looking for ways to keep them entertained. Hold our beer.We're talking games this week–from Minecraft to Ms. Pacman, Racing Demons to Poker–and everything in between. What k...
Season 1
Episode 34

Play Ball! – 33
It starts out so innocently. Your baby boy or girl joins a team of 5-year-olds running onto the soccer field and chasing down a ball for the sheer joy of it. Before you know it, however, you are shelling out bank for private lessons, eq...
Season 1
Episode 33

Don't Take No for an Answer – 32
Kids hear "no" from the time they can reach out and rip an earring out of mommy's ear until the night they ask an adult to buy them alcohol for the senior prom. Who knew it was all training for the biggest "no" of them all? "No, honey, ...
Season 1
Episode 32

Crappy Kids' Shows – 31
Riddle me this Batman: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?The world has produced incredible kids' cartoons and live action shows over the years: Mr. Rogers, Avatar, Sesame Street, She-Ra, and the like. They are shows that inform, en...
Season 1
Episode 31

I Know You Are, but What am I? – 30
How can it be that children around the world—especially siblings—argue about the same things, over and over and over again? Do these fight starters sound familiar?"I call shot-gun!""Heyyyyy. You ate the last cookie!""You're look...
Season 1
Episode 30