I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
Parenting: How It Started... How It's Going — 53
The Martini Shot
It's the last episode of I Shouldn't Have Had Kids and we're taking a minute to look back at how things started and how they're going now—with parenting, pandemicing, and podcasting!
- How it started and how it's going with kids: From baby blowouts to graduating seniors who remind us how incredible the journey of parenting really is.
- How it started and how it's going with the pandemic: From total lockdown to kids at home 24/7 trying to make remote learning palatable in any way shape or form.
- How it started and how it's going with podcasting: From pillow talk with each other to our weekly rendezvous with each of you.
It's somehow fitting that we are toasting our last episode AND our one-year podcasting anniversary on the same night! We do it with oodles of affection and gratitude for all of you. You made this happen and are the real fiber of I Shouldn't Have Had Kids. Thank you.
We may be closing the first chapter in the podcast story we're writing, but know this. After a short hiatus—and once the kids are back to in-person school—we'll begin working on Chapter 2 of the Bombcast Studio story. So, don't go too far because we'll be back soon enough, and we want you by our side when it happens. We think you're going to like what we have planned.
Now, about that martini...
Cheers and all the love!
Bonnie and Ellen
Tigger, Lola and Shy Guy
If you miss us, email! We'd love to hear from you. :)
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