I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
All in the (Extended) Family – 46
On episode 46: Grandparents steal the show!
Oh, baking pies with grandma or building birdhouses with grandpa might sound like a quintessentially grandparental moment, but let's not forget the somewhat more interesting tidbits about the role of these important family members. For instance:
- Grandma glued to her police scanner to stay in-the-know about all of those "no-goods" out there. Her investigative bent taught the grandkids good research skills.
- Grandpa taking off his hollow, wooden leg to show off the treasures he'd tucked inside. Hey, it beat the mattress—and inspired in his grandkids a healthy distrust of banks!
- Grandma staying with her 2-year-old grandson for a week and introducing him to all the different kinds of candy in the bulk section of the grocery store. From her, he learned to question authority. His parents'.
Grandparents are precious. Sure, they're a little crazy-making sometimes, but aren't we all? Whenever you're tempted to lose your patience with granddaddy and maw-maw, grandmom and granddad, nana and gramps, or whatever your kids call your parents, just remember this: They are parents, too. Our guess is that there were probably plenty of times when they slapped a palm to their forehead and muttered to themselves, "I Shouldn't Have Had Kids." So, cut them some slack.
Better yet, pick up the phone and give them a call. Tell them Bonnie and Ellen sent you.
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