I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
Teenage Dating: The Rules of Engagement – 43
One day they're in diapers; the next they're nervously picking up their first date, standing on the doorstep with sweaty palms because they're about to meet the parents. You, meanwhile, are sitting behind the wheel of the car trying not to stare. No, you're not stalking your child. You're actually the chauffeur because someone has to give these 13-year-olds a ride to the movies!
You read that right. Dating at 13. It may be hard to believe but before you know it that sweet child of your loins will disappear into a hormonal pile of yearning and frantic text messaging until the big event itself: The first date. Then there's a second. And, as the third date comes barreling down the tracks, suddenly the soundtrack of your mind is all Marvin Gaye singing "Let's Get It On" over and over and over again. What is happening here? This is not your beautiful life!!
That's when you understand that there MUST BE RULES—all kinds of rules—and you have no clue where to start. That's why you have us. We've already made all the mistakes a parent can make while navigating the dating years. We've got you. Ready to roll?
World Wide Words website: What in the world does "bated breath" mean, anyway?
YouTube: Trailer for Moonrise Kingdom
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