I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
Dating After Divorce – 40 (The Ruby Episode)
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Mommy’s new boyfriend.
Mommy's new boyfr– wait. Whut??!!
It’s our 40th show—the Ruby episode—and we are celebrating with a topic hand-selected by one of our OG PodSquad listeners! How in the world do you introduce your children to a new love interest?
Let’s get real. Dating after divorce is a bit of a minefield. And that’s on a good day. Throw in kids, however, and suddenly the landscape becomes shrouded in an I-don’t-know-what-the-hell-I’m-doing-mist.
When to let your kids meet the person you’re dating is just the first complicated decision you’ll face. Should the new love of your life spend the night? What role should they play in your family life? And when do you tell your ex about the interloper into his or her child’s life? Most people would rather poke their eye out with a fork than call up the ex with THAT news.
We have insight. We have experience. AND we have our first bona fide guest on the show this week! It’s a good one so pop in your ear buds and get ready to listen as we drop a little divorce drama on I Shouldn't Have Had Kids.
Divorce Mag blog: How to introduce your children to your new special friend
Divorce Mag blog: Introducing your kids to a new partner
Portland Press Herald: Ex Etiquette
Website for a little sleuthing: People Check
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