I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
Temper Tantrums: They're Not Just for Presidents — 51
This week's episode is inspired by a POTUS unwilling or unable to accept the facts. Indeed, you can probably currently find him prone on the floor of the Oval Office, pounding his feet and fists, screaming, "I won't go! I won't! I won't go, and you can't make me!!"
If you've ever parented a 2- or 3-year-old, you know exactly what's happening. It's a temper tantrum, and they are the bane of every parent's experience. Full-body sweats, tears, pleading, and begging are the hallmark signs of a temper tantrum—and that's just the parental response!
The pre-schooler, however, is awash in unrequited desires: staying up longer, buying a toy at the store or being picked up and carried 24/7. Then there are the crazier things that make kids crack: imagined slights, wanting the impossible, or preventing a sibling from existing in the world as we know it.
This week we jump into the temper tantrum mire and find out how to stop the little demons from hurting themselves or our sanity. As far as Donald J. Trump is concerned, however, we're out of ideas. Maybe a nice, long time out is in order.
The President Show on YouTube: Donny Goes to School (temper tantrum at 4:04!)
Parenting Power Up on YouTube: What To Do When Your Child Throws a Temper Tantrum
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