I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
Exercise Your Authority – 44
Exercise. They need it. We know it. But how to make it happen?
Why does Minecraft win out over biking, Super Smash Bros beat a neighborhood run, or the promise of Among Us lure our kids back early from a summer swim? We know exercise is good for them, but what's the magical spoon full of sugar that will make the medicine go down?
Little kids exercise without thinking – chasing each other, splashing in the shallows all day, or sledding until they can't lift their legs to climb the hill again. Somewhere near middle school, however, it all changes. That's where we come in. Parents, start your engines, because in the words of Madagascar's King Julien, it's time to move it, move it!
Dance party, everybody!!
From Show Biz Cheat Sheet: Dan Levy's next big thing!
YouTube delivers: Regina King's Emmy acceptance and shout out to Notorious RBD
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