I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
Pet Peeves – 29
"I promise I'll feed it and walk it and scoop poop—whatever you want me to do. Puh-leeeeeze, mom!?!"
So begins the everyday saga of parents folding when a child begs for a pet. You know the rest of the story, don't you? That's right. The only people doing the feeding, walking and scooping are the parents.
Pet peeves. It's a parental right-of-passage, whether said pet is a guinea pig, a snake, a cat, a dog, or—god forbid—a ferret. All species have fallen victim to the overpromising and underperforming of kids who swear up and down they'll be responsible pet owners. If there is anything that will make you mutter, "I shouldn't have had kids," it's getting up at 5 a.m. to the yakking of a sick dog who's left a little surprise just for you and your bare feet.
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