I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
I Shouldn't Have Had Kids
Quarantine Quarrels – 42
Parenting in normal times is hard enough, but then you add in a little pandemic, a three-state inferno, political division the likes we've never seen, deadly policing, and for a little kick how about the start of a new school year with, yet again, distance learning and no one around to supervise. In the words of our current favorite meme:
"At this point, if a clown invited me into the woods I would just go."
Since that's not an option, couples are turning to an age-old response to stress. Fighting. Or, as we call it this week, Quarantine Quarreling.
We're bringing insight, a few coping strategies and, as always, lots of laughs to this week's episode. So go ahead. Put in your ear phones, tune out your spouse (sorry, spouse, sometimes it just has to be done) and join us for 60 minutes of zero arguing!
NPR: Zoom Towns and the New Housing Market for the 2 Americas
New York Times article: How to End Pandemic Fights With Your Partner
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